I am sure it has occurred too many that the face of customer service as we knew it has changed. The question is – changed to what? While the answer may vary, we know what was once the local store can now do business in the international market place.
Learning how to profitably survive in this new evolving business climate can be a slow process. This is where so many small businesses are floundering, and why many customer service practices do not live up expectations.
Adding to the dilemma is that the companies whose average customer service is costing them repeat business don’t realize the seriousness of the problem they are facing. This is in spite of the fact they continue to run surveys and pile up tons of data that do not get to the root of the problem.
Again, we come to the question – what is the problem? What is changing the concept and redefining what customer service is? Of course we know evolving technology is at the root of the problem - we hear this all the time. However the basic question remains - how?
We will be exploring this question in the weeks to come and hopefully find some useful information that you can apply. While the big guys will survive, the issue is how small business is going to do the same.
If anyone out there has some ideas to offer, we would love to hear them. Good customer service is the thin edge you need to survive these tough times.
Thanks for your interest.
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