(C)copyright Image: Pizzaonius addressing the Pizzaonian Conference on Multiple Political Parties. All images from the Pizzaonian Art Institute collection, Abe Staction,curator
At what point do you say enough? It seems that may be where many voters are in the United States while waiting for this long drawn-out presidential election process to play itself out.
The scary part is the American economy is at a critical moment in its recovery when concerted and bipartisan government action is necessary to keep the recovery going.
Fat chance of that happening when neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are going to do anything that gives the other side an edge before the November election. It is fair to say that our government system has failed us. If so, what do we have left?
Only this: The big issues play themselves out. Even the players in the big arena have little effect on outcomes. The redeeming feature in our American system is the system itself.
It survives because the economic and political powers refuse to die. Eventually this means creating an economy that allows all to live well. This is not altruistic. Spreading the wealth allows the top to survive.
When economic events become bad enough the process of renewal begins. It is the cycle of our economic and spiritual existence. It works repeatedly and has from the beginning.
Unfortunately, if you happen to be one of the folks who get chewed up while waiting for the process to work, you are out of luck. Change, unlikely, unless the American people are willing to rise up and break the strangle hold the two party system has on our electoral process.
Can multiple political parties restore representative democracy to the American system? More next time …
Pizzaonuis, reporting from Pizzaonia for the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network.
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