It is our custom in Pizzaonia to take a few minutes every afternoon to sit still and listen to what others have said before us. join us ........
Sister Veronica, Supreme Pizzaonian
“When a nation loses its will to sacrifice it has lost its will to exist.” Pizzaonius IV, founder of Pizzaonia
A funny thing happened on the way to Utopia- a new political reality -“A lie is justified when its purpose is to seek the truth.” Sister Veronica
“When you make information so ubiquitous it becomes meaningless the stage has been set for mass manipulation.” Brother Franco
“If at first you don’t succeed, OK, try again, keep your dream - but at least try a different way of getting it done.” Pizzaonius
“If the U.S. wants to cut wasteful spending how about disbanding Congress and see if anyone notices the difference.” Brother Franco
“The passion to teach is far more powerful and primitive than the passion to learn.” Brother Franco
The problem with free market economies:“Big fish always eat little fish.” The solution: “Become a big fish.”Pizzaonius
“When you are in the throes of lamenting about growing older, take a minute and consider the alternative.” Pizzaonius
“Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist but you have ceased to live.” Mark Twain
“Stop trying to discern between the real and unreal. Our new digital world no longer makes it necessary.” Pizzaonian Spelunker
“If you work at it, you will eventually discover what you really believe rather than what you were taught to believe.” Brother.Franco
"In a world with an attention span of 15 seconds sounding profound is more important than being profound.” Brother Franco
Thoughts to ponder – How come when it goes without saying we still say, “it goes without saying.” Brother Pio
"The things we fear most in organizations- fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances-are the primary sources of creativity." M. J. Wheatley
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