How do you grow older without the one thing that is necessary for the mind to sustain itself? For some, it is love and that one person that makes life worth the process. For others, it is their work.
Work can be defined in many ways, but for this discussion, work is about a life time goal. It is accomplishing what you were meant to do. It is the substance that allows your life to flourish and mature, making everything worth the effort.
For some, it is business. For others, it is art. But, regardless of what it is – it consumes you and must be done. Is it a compulsion? For many, it is, however, they would not see it that way. For them, it is meaning. It is what life is meant to be.
It is their purpose for being and defines everything they experience.
One has to ask: If this is that important to them can they share their lives with anyone since their work is all consuming. There was a time when I would have said yes. However, I am no longer sure.
If your work is about meeting your personal responsibilities, and those responsibilities include loved ones who depend on you for their support, then your life is about relationships.
Thank God, this is where most people find themselves. Because of them, life and communities are allowed to continue and sustain themselves.
But what about other types of endeavors that are defined as a life’s work? This type of activity by its very nature and intent replaces family and friends. It becomes, in and of itself, what gives meaning to life.
Entrepreneurs and artists often find themselves in this position - what they need to accomplish becomes more important than any other thing they encounter in life, including successful personal relationships.
How do you know where you fit within this definition of work and life? How do you know where you belong? Perhaps the answer is to be found only in your actions.
By this, I mean your work or art takes precedence over everything else in your life. If this is so, you are more than likely this type of person.
So what if you find yourself conflicted over this? Some would say the very conflict means your work may be a means to an end and not necessarily a life’s cause for being. It is also possible that you could have both positions happening to your life at different times in your journey through this mortal coil.
Obsession and compulsion are almost always present when you believe you have a purpose to fulfill. This is one sign. For this person, they continue when no one else would. Success eludes them, and they work through disappointment and failure.
They never give up. At the core of their belief is what they are doing is meant to be and defines them.
So to those who find themselves in this position – embrace it, never run from it, and let no persuade you to abandon what defines your life. Beware of those who do.
Nothing is more detrimental to the artist than being in an environment that ignores and is indifferent to your life’s purpose. This is one obstacle no one needs.
Brother Giovanni
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