Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. *Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Somewhere in history the leaders of organized, religion got stuck in a time warp. Fortunately, many believers refused to get stuck with them. It is hard to grasp how a dynamic living force as God - has been confined to a single concept or event in time by so many of the so-called faithful.
God created a dynamic living universe, but somehow in the consciousness of so many of His believers is a thought system rooted in concrete. And then to add to this insult, they believe this immutability is sacred.
These words are a sacrilege to many, but equally sacrileges to others is not understanding and grasping the significance of a “Cosmic God"*. If we are to give glory to God as deserved, we have to understand the concept of a living galactic God who is part of all evolving life, including our growth as individual believers.
The difference between those who hold to some immutable, unchanging truth as compared to those who see the ‘sacred’ in the evolving consciousness of the universe depends of whether you trust in the people as the true “keepers of the flame” or believe human nature, by its very nature, cannot be trusted with ongoing revelation.
Some explanation is necessary here. At the turn of the last century we began to see the developing belief in a God more consistent with what humans were discovering about their universe. Many will charge that because many so-called “enlightened humans and their science chose to believe theories not consistent with “old time religion,” they need to be even more adamant about being true to their non-evolving, original beliefs.
What is troubling is how we can see things so differently. From my perspective our original beliefs clearly show us that we are an evolving species. In addition, we have the evidence of the Universe itself. If it is not evolving all the time what else is it? Is it possible that the God who created us, also created an environment separate and alien to us?
Somewhere in the past, with our increasing awareness, it was imprinted into the mind sets of many that our spirituality and the world we live in are diametrically opposed to each other. The consequence of this was to separate us from our environment and make us strangers in our own homes.
This is what we need to correct if we are to achieve the transcendence our faith in God, was meant to achieve.
Science made the universe God; religion made humans God, now it is time to see both entities, not as separate, but as the same God, united in glorious Transcendence.
Brother Giovanni
opd 1214
*Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
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