Image courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, Curator
When you are a nation of doers, critics have a place. They can offer an intelligent perspective that can be useful to the doers. However, when you become a nation of critics with the doers in the minority, you are on your way to oblivion.
We have reached the crisis point. Unless we encourage the creative energy that made this nation the dynamic world engine it was, we can look forward to a long dismal period of slow, national disintegration.
How could this have happened in the first place? It was easy. We created an elite. This elite set the standards for education, politics, justice, technology and the social mores that favored their continued rule.
They decided which schools our talented young people would attend. They set the standards of qualifications to merit entry into their hallowed halls. Those standards, of course, saddle broke all creative minds so they could serve as obedient managers for the system they were bred to serve.
So as a result, our financial and educational institutions, our courts and government are managed by people with the same “mind think” regardless of how bright or creative they were in the beginning.
We did have our bright shining moment. After World War Two, thousands of returning veterans came home and began their education. We created an army of intelligent educated workers and managers that carried us to a national greatness that surprised everyone.
We also created a nation of thinkers who were able to question things like they have never been questioned before. Out of the fifties we bred the sixties and we began to scrutinize all institutions and authority.
We created the mechanisms to eliminate poverty, bring quality education to everyone and to create a justice system that would have equal access as its priority.
And then a funny thing happened on the way to Utopia - we became satisfied with what we had become. The result: The national elections of 2016 - need I say more?
Brother Giovanni
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opd 916
Everything is a state of mind.
Posted by: Regina | 06/19/2017 at 10:23 PM