Image courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator (C)2012
The devil is in the details
We left off our last letter with this thought: Pizzaonians, I suspect, have developed a more advanced evolutionary response to end the aggressive violence that plagues your entire world.
It is simply a different way of seeing things. Much too simplistic for most, I am sure. But then again, most of the great truths are. However, in case any of us forgets, the devil is always in the details.
What makes Pizzaonian culture different is the concept of empathy. I say concept of empathy since empathy here is more than a defined word. Here it is a cultural phenomenon that has transformed this society into a human experience like no other.
Empathy can be defined simply as the capacity for participating in a vicarious experiencing of an other's feelings, volition's, or ideas. The catch here, if you are to understand Pizzaonian culture, is not to understand the word intellectually, but to have empathy with the word empathy.
When you live in this state of understanding it will not reduce the friction or conflict that all of us experience on a daily basis. However, what it does is regardless of how fervent you feel about any subject, you always feel with equal intensity the needs and concerns of those you disagree with. This inevitably ends with a consideration of everyone’s needs and leads to a peaceful solution.
Many years ago the Pizzaonian elders realized they were resolving all of their conflicts peacefully and without the need for outside litigators, or for that matter, government in general. When they considered the staggering cost of maintaining a government they decided on the bold experiment of eliminating all government, local and national, for a three year trial period.
To their amazement, since there were many disbelievers, they functioned as well without government. Many noted with some validity, they actually did much better without outside interference. They never looked backed.
As far as all other services are concerned, Pizzaonians created national, cooperative corporations that are owned by the people. Since the concept of empathy is operative here, they all function very well, maintaining a very high level of service. Keep in mind, we are not without problems here. What we are with however, is an extraordinary capacity to solve all of our problems peacefully.
Brother Giovanni, Supreme Pizzaonian.
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