Welcome to Pizzaonia! Reflections from a different perspective --- Diverti Mento, John Frank Giovanni, Frank John Franco, Vera V. Veronica and all of the Pizza digogo DiVinci family invite you to join us - We discuss and share ideas that are relevant to our new emerging world. http://giovanniandfranco.com A division of the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network
I know we have to take some things seriously. We all know what they are. But, do we have to take them too seriously? Sooner or later, if one is given the privilege of time and experience, the absurdity of it all will show its face.
Consider the presidential primaries we now are suffering through. Could “Saturday Night Live” write or perform better satire than what we see at each supposed debate? I doubt it. However, let me give them their due: The Democrats seem to be getting better at becoming a "real debate" than their Republican counterparts
Nevertheless, most of the time, the only thing missing are the clown suits and baggy shoes. Again, I don't mean this to be partisan. The candidates of both parties share the stage equally.
Take the way we communicate today. We have access to information like no other generation. Has it made us any better or are we simply more aware of how bad things really are? This is true irony, particularly for a generation that believed that access to information would make things right.
The good news: Somehow the "will of the people" continues to keep us on course - regardless of the political circus the twenty four hour news circle allows us to watch.
The tragedy here is we are dealing with life and death issues that have been turned into a circus and entertainment venue. As a result, we have entertainment instead of serious debates.
There was a time when serious, intelligent candidates would have looked at this venue and said, “Are you kidding?” However, what we get instead is pandering, and we sit like sheep and say nothing.
So, if we can do nothing else, at least appreciate how absurd this really is.
Brother Giovanni, commenting for the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network (PNN), Diverti Mento, editor
For many people in the United States today the world is in total disarray. Our new definition of happiness seems to be defined by ignoring the mess. Is this real happiness? Of course not, but it is the best that most of us can do.
Why is the world in such disorder? No one can really explain it. However, understanding that information technology is outstripping our moral capacity to deal with our new reality can be a good start at understanding what is happening.
Another dirty little secret: Our presidential candidates do not have a clue what to do about it either. This explains the surreal feeling our political debates have about them. Politicians floundering for answers they do not have, act this way. They do not know any better, but we should.
So be it. What do we do about it?
Not much, but at least we know what is going on. Is this too cynical for most? Perhaps, but realism is still the way to recovery. This may be a hard pill to swallow. You bet it is, but swallow it; you must - if you intend to build a real life for yourself.
Brother Giovanni – reflections on my day off – reporting from Pizzaonia
"Swirling waters'" by famed Pizzaonain painter, Raberti Swirli
Contact:Publicio Relationio at the PNN office of Public Relations at[email protected]
The Pizzaonian News Service announced today that Supreme Pizzaonian, Brother Giovanni derailed what was called “ a misguided adventure” by pizza conglomerate, Pizza digogo DiVinci to establish a “crap and trade” formula that, if approved, would have been applied to the various dairy herds supplying the mozzarella cheese for the famous Pizzaonian Mozzarella Miracle Pizza Pies.
If the new “C&T” rules had been allowed to continue, smaller suppliers would have been able to sell their cattle flatulence emissions allowances to Pizza digogo.This would have permitted the pizza conglomerate to bypass the stringent restrictions imposed by ICPM on cattle flatulence discharges for its dairy herds.
Specifically, the crap and trade rules would have reduced for larger and well-off pizza makers such as Pizza digogo, the amount of permissible emissions of nitrogen and ammonia coming from droppings left in the pastures by their diary cattle.
Brother Giovanni said, “this would have violated the intent of the International Conference of Pizza Monks' ruling to qualify Pizza digogo for the coveted 'es' designation and could not be allowed to stand. I am sure that our partners and brothers in pizza production meant no harm, however my position as Supreme Pizzaonian to all Pizzaonians left me no other option."
This decision by the Supreme Pizzaonian comes with possible political repercussions since the Pizzaonian monasteries receive much of their funding from the pizza conglomerate.
"Pizzaonian Emerging" Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
Who are Giovanni and Franco and why should you care? Because in the pursuits of G and F you find the human conflicts you deal with, now or later. The difference is they do it without the clutter or background static that we “real people” deal with on a daily basis. This makes them uniquely free; and eventually begs the question: what is real?
The background:
Giovanni and Franco are two monks living in a Pizzaonian monastery located in the country of Pizzaonia, a country that exists in an alternate universe. Both Giovanni and Franco were born in the United States but portalized to Pizzaonia some time ago.
They became brothers of their order in their mid thirties and have spent the first twenty years of their relationship toiling in the kitchen of the monastery. Ironically, both are educated, reasonably sophisticated, worldly men,
Because each suffered through occupational and relationship disasters, they found themselves going into their mid life crisis younger than most. Both came to the conclusion separately that they had enough of the world as they had experienced it and were quite ready to withdraw from its day to day travails to find something else.
That is how they found themselves in Pizzaonia (an alternate universe) and each other at the monastery and developed this strange, strong bond of friendship that only can be shared by people with shared experiences.
Their daily routine at the monastery consists of rising early each morning so they can tend to the duties in the kitchen. These duties consist of washing an endless parade of pots, pan, dirty dishes, dirty floors, tables and anything else that is needed in a kitchen that feeds two hundred and fifty other brothers, who from Giovanni and Franco’s perspective seemed to be always eating.
Since Giovanni and Franco are also expected to devote their time to spiritual devotions and reflections they are allowed two hours a day for prayer in silent meditation.
It is during this time while talking with each other in violation of the monastery's period of silence, they discovered the strong bond between them that became a true love hate relationship.. Even though these conversations are forbidden by the rules of their order, they find the temptation to converse pervasive.
Unknown by either Giovanni or Franco, is that Brother Timothy, the headmaster, knows about their transgression during the meditation hours, and is quite willing to let it pass.
Brother Timothy learned long ago that perfection was not to be had in this world, and anyone who could do the job that Giovanni and Franco did so well everyday in the kitchen could be cut a little slack.
We are entering their lives after a long period of silence has existed between them. These periods of silence usually occur when Giovanni is overcome by guilt for not using the two hours for meditation. However, the guilt usually subsides and the talks begin anew.
We join them after their trip to Tibet. Concern and anguish is rampant since the monastery and the monks discovered they are in an alternate universe. Brother Timothy, the headmaster, has taken it particularly hard. Ironically, Giovanni and Franco are not bothered by Brother Timothy's concern since they have never been sure of what is and isn’t real.
Like most people facing the question of what they are doing with their lives, real or imagined, their preoccupation, strange as it may seem for two monks working in a monastery, covers a gamut of subjects from the vow of poverty to getting rich quick. This constant state of agitation between their conflicting drives of spiritual and material pursuits provides much of the motivation for their actions.
Next: Brother Timothy’s near breakdown over being from an alternate universe.
Pizzaonius, founder of Pizzaonia, delivering his annual Pizzaonian entenial address
Crowd in a moment of private reflection on the virtues of Pizzaonian culture
Beginning of festivities at the annual Pizzaonian Entenial Ball
Pizzaonius arriving at the annual Pizzaonian Entenial Ball
All images are from the private collection of the PIZZAONIAN ART INSTITUTE - Contact Abe Straction, curator, for more information" [email protected] copyright - (C) all rights are the exclusive property of the Pizzaonian Art Institute and images cannot be reproduced without written permission.
Diverti Mento, news director for Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network said today that PNN "is not shilling for Mitt Romney."
This statement by PNN is a direct result of the accusations made by Rick Santorum that Fox News* and the Drudge Report* are playing favorites and favor Mr. Romney’s candidacy.
“Under no circumstances will PNN get involved in partiality toward any candidate.” However, Mr. DiMento made it clear that Mitt Romney’s hairstyle “is by far the best of any of the Republican hopefuls.”
More as it develops……………
Contact: Publicio Relationio at the PNN office of Public Relations at [email protected]