View from Chapel Window, Pizzaonian Monasteries, Pizzaonia - image courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
Disclaimer: The Pizzaonian Council of Monks (PCM) and pizza conglomerate, Pizza digogo DiVinci are concerned when a prominent and respected figure in Pizzaonian politics like Brother Giovanni engages in an activity many Pizzaonians consider weird at best and psychotic at worst.
However, in the interests of full disclosure, we support The Pizzaonian’s decision to publish these letters and conversations between Brother Giovanni and the man he calls “Jesus.” Sister Veronica, Supreme Pizzaonian
Dear Giovanni,
I hope all is well with you. I am sorry I have not kept up with my letter writing, but this has been a very busy time for me. I am back in the United States now and will be here for a while.
Most of my time was spent traveling between here and Europe but now that things are more settled in Rome, I can stay put for a while. I love Rome, but at times the politics gets to be a bit much. I feel good about things there. They are in good hands, and I can now focus on other issues.
Easter is always nice. I love reliving that experience. (Easter, that is, not the few days before.) Unfortunately, on Easter, I have to be in so many places at the same time it can be exhausting – but it is always a wonderful experience, it is a good kind of tired.
After Easter there is always a little let down – things go back to business as usual so quickly. I don’t want to focus on the down side, but at times, I get a bit discouraged with all the death and destruction you folks bring down on each other. I am tempted to get involved directly, but forces that are more powerful (guess who) gently remind mind me of your free will and I am told to stay out of it.
As I travel your world, I am always amazed how no one takes responsibility for anything. The suffering and pain that seems endless is of your doing. The capacity and the power to end it all tomorrow are there for you to use. I don’t understand why that is not obvious to everyone on earth.
On second thought that is a very naïve statement - especially from someone like my who should know better. Tragic as it sounds, in your world someone else’s suffering is always someone else’s gain. Until enough people have to the courage to change that, nothing is going to change.
I hope to see you soon in Pizzaonia. I have to ask you how you deal with portalizing between the United States and an alternate universe country like Pizzaonia. That has got to be some transition experience. I also can’t wait to get my hands on one of your Miracle Mozzarella Pizzas. There is nothing like it in either universe. Umm, I can taste it now!
I just want to give a quick mention on how you stuck to your guns and insisted on getting my letters out in “The Pizzaonian.” That took some courage, ridicule is not easy to understand. I have to give Sister Veronica much credit for her inspired leadership. You folks are very lucky to have her around.
Until next time,
Your friend,