Pizzaonian National Flag - courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
June 2014
A Pizzaonian perspective:
If there are two more frightening euphemisms in the English language than “creative destruction” and “collateral damage” I don’t know what they are.
Whenever someone is about to justify questionable means to secure a dubious end, you can count on these expressions showing up.
How many of us take these expressions seriously anymore. We hear them or read over them as if they are extolling some inevitable, virtuous result if we are willing to make the hard decisions. Hello George Orwell!
The United States is a country whose people extol moral virtues on every issue, from selling soap to the right to life. However, when it comes to issues that specifically affect other people’s well being; everything is okay as long as their downfall is considered necessary.
Their bad luck, unfortunate as it may be, is part of the “creative destruction” or “collateral damage” we accept in order to accomplish the greater good.
The fact that these victims may be innocent bystanders and have the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the right time is no longer an issue.
Well, if you are one of these folks who take these expressions casually, think for a moment. What happens when you are included in the group that is sacrificed for the greater good?
Good luck with that one.
John Frank Giovanni, commenting from Pizzaonia for the “The Pizzaonian” a division of the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network, Diverti Mento,editor
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