There no longer seems to be a middle ground in American politics. If you don’t agree with someone, you do not have to spend any time considering their point of view since they are obviously idiots. What else could they be if they don’t agree with your political viewpoint?
Well for one, it’s much easier for me this way. I don’t have to waste any time rethinking what I believe. I certainly don’t need to spend any time trying to analyze opposing points of view from a different perspective.
What would that accomplish since the people I don't agree with are obviously idiots anyway? This seems to be the scenario for American political thought today.
This also makes it a lot more fun for professional journalists or newscasters. You don’t have to spend any time researching and actually knowing the news. You just have to be very good at making sure you call those you don’t agree with imbeciles. There is one caveat. You don’t want to use the word imbecile too often though it does help occasionally.
It’s more effective to employ words that ridicule your opponent on more intellectual terms. Use words such as misguided, misinformed, and inexperienced and other pejorative terms that are equally degrading, but offer a much higher level of discourse.
It also helps to be able to sit on a stool with your legs crossed and still keep a straight face.
An observation while reading the obituaries - Why is it that only good people die?
One day, while reading the newspaper, I came to the obituaries. As I read on, I could not help but notice how wonderful all of these people were during their lifetimes. I did not find one bad person in the group
So for the next several days, I made it my special project to read faithfully their eulogies. You guessed it - only good people die. I could not find one soul that didn’t do something magnificent in their lifetimes. They all served the community well - they were all beloved by many, and the world was simply a better place because they were here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly happy about this. I’m glad that we were favored by their presence on this mortal coil.
However, it does beg the question. Why do only good people die? Every now and then, I still take a peek at the obits thinking I might find someone in there who wasn’t all that good. You know the kind of obituary that says – “he really was a jerk, but we loved him anyway.” Something like that might be reassuring to know that once in a while not just good people die.
No wonder the world is such bad shape.
Brother Giovanni
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