An excerpt from the comments of Brother Giovanni addressing the Pizzaonian Monks Conference in Pizzaonia’s capital
Pizzaonian National Flag, Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Staction, Curator
To be read by those with a sense of humor – to read this without one misses the irony of it all.
Here in Pizzaonia we have a saying. We call it “the mark of the enduring cross.” The *enduring cross is something you continue to suffer personally for most of your life and marks how you see your life.
This question must always be asked. Is the cross of your choosing or one you have been handed? Humans are very good at creating unnecessary suffering for themselves.
The difference is profound. If it is a cross of your choosing, think carefully. Enduring crosses are the breeding ground of self-pity. If you have the courage to be introspective and honestly face yourself, the correct answer will usually emerge. However, you must still go slowly here, since self-deception is the most common of human traits.
If your “enduring cross” is a matter of honor and one you must embrace in order to maintain your integrity, you are on firmer ground. This cross is the grain of sand that makes the pearl.
If your cross was handed to you, you have little choice other than understand the good that can come from bearing it well. Few can do it with grace – or for that matter, muster the courage to begin the change that bearing it well will bring.
How well you bear your cross, helps define it, and you as well. If you bear it with cheerfulness and good will, it serves you and your neighbors well. If you cannot do this well - you will probably become a politician or radio talk show host.
View from Pizzaonian Monastery Chapel
Brother Giovanni
opd 113
I would love to re post this entry on my own website will that be okay
Posted by: Lolly | 03/05/2013 at 10:17 PM