Conjectures of a recovering dilettante --- Welcome to Pizzaonia! Reflections from a different perspective --- Diverti Mento, John Frank Giovanni, Frank John Franco, Vera V. Veronica and all of the Pizza digogo DiVinci family invite you to join us - We discuss and share ideas that are relevant to our new emerging world. A division of the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network
(C)2012 Pizzaonian National Flag - Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute
The Pizzaonian Space Institute released today new, extraordinary photos of a black hole as seen from the Pizzaonian magnifier camera on board the Mozzarella space probe. (See below)
What makes these photos unique is their high resolution and magnification, 10,000 times greater than the original photos first published.
The Mozzarella space probe has exceeded all expectations by continuing to resist the effects of high gamma radiation and heat levels beyond human imagination.
More as it develops ……………….
Abe Surdity, bureau chief, The Pizzaonian, a division of the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network
Photo of Black hole as seen from the cameras of the Mozzarella space probe, magnified 10.000 greater than previous photographs
(copyright)2017 Pizzaonian Space Institute
Black hole as photographed by Pizzaonian Space Institute Mozzeralla space probe, Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
Pizzaonian National Flag, courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
The Pizzaonian Foundation for Intellectual Advancement announced today the creation of a new discipline called Scienosophy. Edward Reachouti, director of PFIA, called this “a lifelong dream come true.”
“Here at PFIA we knew the idea of combining the vagaries of science and philosophy would someday come together and share equal vagueness as a recognized, separate discipline,” said Mr. Reachouti. Many of the delegates here feel the new Scienosophy will give unproven theoretical knowledge and speculation the respect it deserves from the intellectual and scientific community at large.
Another aspect of Scienosophy is that the new science gives fresh validation to the alternate universe theory, which is very important here in Pizzaonia. Pizzaonia, an unrecognized alternate universe occupying the same space and time as the United States, has for years sought validation as a separate entity.
Pizzaonia, with its rich tradition of cooperation between our religious and business communities is the ideal place to pursue the new and brave frontier of Scienosophy. The Pizzaonian Monasteries and the international pizza conglomerate, Pizza digogo DiVinci have worked together for many years to give speculation and subjective thought the rightful place it deserves in Academia.
One of the exciting aspects of this new discipline is that it will bring together the most vague and theoretical concepts of theology and quantum mechanics into a combined field of study. This will give long overdue credence to speculative concepts and ideas that have had to mask themselves in other disciplines. "Yes, they can finally come out of the closet and claim their rightful place as a recognized field of study," said Mr. Reachouti
The College of Scienosophy will be accepting applications from prospective candidates sometime next month. PFIA is expecting a large response and has assembled a committee of our most speculative and subjective scholars to select the first 400 members for the first class.
More as it develops..........
Brother Franco, reporting for “The Pizzaonian” from Pizzaonia for the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network
Secret of the Pizzaonian Mozzarella Pizza Scrolls revealed.
“Before nothing there was something and the something is Pizzaonius.”
How can that be you say?
As the Pizzaonian Scrolls clearly state: "If something can come from nothing, surely nothing can come from something."
From this simple and prophetic statement, we now know that Pizzaonius is the first cause of all things in our alternate universe.
Many of our scientists had a hard time accepting this statement. Most of them considered it absurd. Then when your scientist clearly showed that something could come from nothing, it became very clear to us that nothing could just as easily come from something - just as spontaneously as you’re something came from nothing.
And that something that came before nothing is/was Pizzaonius.
And for the first time, the secret of The Pizzaonian Mozzarella Pizza Scrolls has been revealed to all.
PIZZAONIAN NATIONAL FLAG -Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Staction, curator
If there is a profound effect modern science has on the thinking process of the average person; it is the notion that you must have proof to define reality.
I am sure the great thinkers and leaders of Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations would be amazed at our notion of what is real. Remember, the Pharaohs would seek solutions to perplexing problems by going to the temple to sleep so their dreams could show them the way.
Can you imagine a political leader today when asked how he or she will solve a perplexing problem, they would answer by saying they were going to the temple to seek the answer in their dreams.
That would take care of a politician's decision to retire early. However, on second thought, when you see the condition of the world today could we do any worse if our leaders did seek answers in their dreams? The fact that we have to stop and think about it answers the question.
The truth is scientists and theologians have had to change their minds frequently as the years go by. That will not stop each side from proclaiming their new theories with the same certainty and arrogance of past generations.
As for the rest of us, we will have to be content with faith for whatever we believe – faith, reinforced by experience. Subjective? Yes, it is, and that’s okay because in the end - that is all we have.
Sooner or later, we all commit too many of our important belief systems as a matter of faith. It has always seemed ironic to me that we live in a time of scientific curiosity and affirmation, and we still end up with some of our most cherished beliefs as assumptions and matters of faith.
Granted we live in a time when science acts like the new God head. So many people take delight in this. I wonder if they are aware of the fact that they are making as many theoretical assumptions as our so-called religious leaders have made for hundreds of years. I know many of our postulated scientific probabilities can be demonstrated as mathematically probable, but as we know from past experience so many of these new discoveries are proved later to be wrong.
Please don’t consider this a tirade against science. I’m a firm believer, and I am most appreciative of how all of our lives have been substantially improved and enlightened because of our scientific discoveries.
What concerns me is how lightly we take the matter of faith as an important reality of our everyday lives. Obviously, religion is one of the most obvious areas where this happens. I have always been disturbed by the basic conflict between science and religion. Certainly, I can understand its origins from the perspective of how metaphors within religious traditions have been handed down to us from past generations as a literal truth. This has always raised an “eyebrow” or two.
However, surely we’ve advanced in our linear evolution of human consciousness to understand there are many points within both faith and science that allow us to come together rather than pull us apart. Simply being able to explore the cosmos today the way we do should put us all in awe. The fact that we are all stardust should give us a sense of oneness with the universe that goes beyond the equations and transcends our very being. Surely, there is a faith like quality to this that allows us to be in sheer wonder of it all.
Maybe scientists and theologians should leave their prejudices aside along with their quest for proving or disproving the existence of God as the creator of the universe to the philosophers and logicians – at least until they have more definitive information beyond theory and theology.
Brother Giovanni
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” Robert Jastrow
Faith is a word that is thrown around a lot. I wonder how many of us take it seriously. If we think about it, it seems that we live and plan our lives by having faith. For one, we have to have faith that there will be a life to look forward to – we really don’t know that, it is an act of faith that there will even be a tomorrow.
I know we have probability on our side. The odds are there will be a tomorrow. That doesn’t change the fact that for many of us that will not be true. However, that is not going to stop us from doing what we have to do to get ready for the next day.
Unspoken faith dominates our lives. We couldn’t function without it. The question has to be asked – “Why is it that faith is so often suspect as a concept.” I suspect that is because we live in the “age of science.”
Hardly a day goes by when the new “high priests” of science proclaim with bursting pride that they deal with facts not faith. “The technology now available makes it possible to know everything.” I might add they always add the caveat, “that what we don’t know we will know in the future,” it is just a matter of time.
This is not just uttered as a statement of fact, but virtually as dogma, with a bit of anger thrown in for good measure. I think religious faith has always been the boogie man for both people of science and religion. While they don’t admit it, they have waged a war for supremacy from the beginning of recorded civilization.
For years the churches dominated the argument. They had more people on their side. However, as the world modernized and more people drifted away from organized religion science began to make its move. After all they had facts, not faith on their side.
Unfortunately, when you look at the history of science its record is not much better than religion. We are now led to believe that is no longer the case. I need to add my personal caveat here. I am not anti-science. I am not advocating for religious faith. What I am advocating is an end to the arrogance of both religion and science.
Sooner or later both sides come to the need for a “first cause.” I know it is no longer fashionable to use that term. But for the sake of our discussion it still works. One could reasonably conclude that science has not removed causality as a concept; they have simply changed its name.
For the religious and people of faith it is inconceivable that there is not a creator that began the whole process of life. Science now argues that beyond infinity there is nothing and they can produce equations to suggest that a universe from nothing is possible.
However, if you look closely it seems to some of us that they have simply changed the name of nothing, and their nothing is really something.
Which brings us back to the subject of faith – and the beat goes on.
“Pizzaonia Emerging #11” Courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator (C)2009
Which came first, Pizzaonius or Pizzaonia, the dilemma of first causes?
“Before there was nothing there was Pizzaonius” Pizzaonian proverb
Pizzaonius the First is the founder of Pizzaonia. That was many decades ago, and he is now part of the folklore of our country. Even though learning about his life is part of all Pizzaonians early educations, most of us considered Pizzaonius to be somewhat of a mythical figure. That was until the discovery of the amazing documents that are now known as the “Pizzaonian Mozzarella Pizza Scrolls.”
For years, the myth of the scrolls and what they may contain was passed on from generation to generation. Other than the historians, no one took the stories of their existence seriously. And then one day they were found, the actual Mozzarella Pizza Scrolls that had been part of Pizzaonian mythology for years.
One day, about 50 years ago when the Monastery decided it was time to modernize their aged pizza ovens; they had to remove a massive stone wall that was part of the old ovens support system. Behind one of the huge stones, one of the workers found a large, grey baking tin. The tin was sealed and seemed unusually heavy. Since the workday was still in progress the worker put the tin aside and continued with his chores.
When the workday was over the workers cleaned up the area and put the tin with the other odds and ends that was part of the old ovens into a back store room. And there the tin remained until five years ago when it was rediscovered by a Pizza digogo Divinci bakery assistant.
The discovery was quite accidental. The workers needed a box to store some small tools and when the bakery assistant entered the old store room, he saw the tin. It was exactly what was needed. Was he surprised when he opened the box and found the scrolls wrapped in rolled sections of pizza dough - perfectly preserved. Unfortunately, the worker did know the real value of what he had found, and after some initial curiosity put the scrolls aside to make room for the tools.
There the “Pizzaonian Mozzarella Pizza Scrolls” stayed until their rediscovery last year. For the first time, they are now being made public by “The Pizzaonian.” What they told us amazed everyone – more later.....
Brother Franco, commenting for “The Pizzaonian” - a division of the Pizzaonian Newsertainment Network – PNN
View from the chapel window, Pizzaonian Monasteries, Pizzaonia - Images courtesy of the Pizzaonian Art Institute, Abe Straction, curator
Hi, my name
is Sister Veronica, and I am the Supreme Pizzaonian of Pizzaonia. Brother Giovanni is giving me the opportunity
of introducing myself personally. I am looking forward to spending time
together and getting to know each other better.
When I first
heard that Brother Giovanni was going to tell you about me and my leadership
role here, I asked him if I could also spend some time with you after he was
finished. He thought it was a wonderful
idea for us to become personally acquainted with each other and then added,
“Why don’t you go first.” So here I am.
If I start
from the beginning, it may sound unusual because of our living in a
beta-country in an alternate universe. I
know that many of you are now hearing of the possibility of alternate universes
existing. Let me assure you we are
real. However, it wasn’t always this
I am a
native Pizzaonian, and until we could portalize easily and safely to your world
and back, I knew of no other place than Pizzaonia. For years, my life, like most people here, was
simple. We lived in a peaceful,
contented world that went on with remarkable consistency from one day to the
I had a
wonderful childhood by our standards, but I suspect it would seem rather
uneventful from what you expect from your children. My mother and father are also native
Pizzaonians and have always held a deep reverence for our culture. They taught me the simple values that make a
community work, and those values and traditions became part of who I am. There is no doubt in my mind that what they
taught me was fundamental in my eventual selection as Supreme Pizzaonian. I can elaborate more on that later.
The Monasteries
are one of our most respected institutions and as a young girl I had the
opportunity to apprentice in their bakery.
I loved the kitchens and the people I worked with each day. I apparently demonstrated a talent for baking
quite early, and as I grew into adulthood, I was made the Chief Baker. I was thrilled. The opportunity to experiment with new
recipes allowed me to be very creative, and I was reinforced by the praise for
the products we served each day. Only Pizzaonians lived here then, and we did
not know of your world. That was all
about to change with the portalized arrival of immigrants from your country..
This is
where it gets strange. As new people
began to show up we did not know what to make of it. Pizzaonius, our founder, did not share with
us that he had invented the Portotran with its miraculous ability to make inter
universe travel possible. We learned
later he believed the integration of more people with new ideas was necessary
for us to grow as a culture. He also presumed
the assimilation would be easy.
Pizzaonius was eventually proved right, but that was not the case in the
beginning. I am sure Brother Giovanni will spend some time elaborating on our
strange beginnings as an assimilated culture.
One thing I
should mention, for those not familiar with Pizzaonian culture, the fact that
Pizzaonius would introduce the Portotran on his own without consulting anyone
would seem troubling. If it were any
other place but here, I might agree with you.
What is unfathomable to your culture is the trust Pizzaonians have for
each other. It is one of the reasons we
can successfully exist without wars or governments.
We can share
more on this later. My time is running
out so I will say good-bye for now. When we have the opportunity to be together again, I would like to share with you
what it is like to be a woman here. How
I became Supreme Pizzaonian is a journey that I never intended to make. Till next time….
For those
who are interested in our Pizzaonian history and the relationship between pizza
conglomerate, Pizza digogo DiVinci and our Monasteries, can go to our archives,
July 2009 at: